Frequently asked questions
What is a PEO?
A PEO (Professional Employer Organization) enables business owners to find cost effective outsourcing solutions in the areas of Human Resource, Employee Benefits, Payroll and Workman’s Compensation Insurance while the business owner can focus on key goods and services.
Who actually receives my information during the quote process?
We only submit your information to PEO’s whom we know will take your Workman’s Compensation code(s) and PEO’s with the correct medical carrier you are seeking (if applicable), etc. We do not believe that blanketing the world is going to necessarily bring you better results.
Can I call and speak to an agent before going any further?
Absolutely! Call (941)-627-0777 EST. Our hours are 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. Monday through Friday.
How do I get started?
Fill out our Quote Page or call 941-627-0777 and we will always make it our personal responsibility to ensure you are taken care of every step of the way.
Why should a small business use a PEO?
Successful small business owners need to focus their time and energy on the “business of their business” and not get lured into focusing on the “business of employment”. Also, it is sometimes difficult to obtain Workman’s Compensation Insurance for small to mid-sized clients.
What states do we cover?
We cover all states.
Can we provide services for Government Contract businesses?
YES! We have a special Division tailor made for government contractors which allows them the ability to work with a professional who can assist them in the bidding process.
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or Employee Leasing Quotes
Employer's Choice Solutions offers Professional Employer Organization services to help meet your unique needs.