We Provide PEO Consultation Services

Unlike other PEO brokerage firms, Employer’s Choice truly offers concierge-level service.

We spend time with our key contacts to ascertain a goal in mind and put together a strategic

plan for the best optimal outcome.

Wish You Had More Time For Your Business?


By having a professional who is objective in the process, we can help you, our client,

arrive at conclusions you may have not normally come to. In some cases, we are able

to show you business models and proposals that have your Suta or Workman’s

Compensation rates in place or show scenarios of picking up a PEO’s rates, for instance.

We help you understand every moving part from beginning to end

 Overall, we’re here to help you make the most informed decisions on behalf of your business,

including Worker’s Compensation, Payroll Administration, Health Benefits, Retirement Plans, and more.


Years Of




Like Yours!


Wish you had more time to run your business without having to worry about writing employee checks and other administrative tasks? A PEO enables you, the business owner to focus on what you do best – running your business. A PEO (Professional Employer Organization) handles Payroll Administration, Workman’s Compensation Insurance, Employee Benefits (including Health Insurance), Human Resources, and more. PEOs can help manage your risk over the long term, and at the same time, provide company employees with Fortune 500 benefits to attract and retain top-level talent. Let us help you with your employee leasing quotes in Florida or any state.

Our Approach

Unlike other PEO brokerage firms, Employer’s Choice truly offers concierge-level service. We spend time with our key contacts to ascertain a goal in mind and put together a strategy plan for the best optimal outcome.

What is a PEO

A PEO (Professional Employer Organization) enables business owners to find cost effective outsourcing solutions in the areas of Human Resource, Employee Benefits, Payroll and Workman’s Compensation Insurance while the business owner can focus on key goods and services.


How do I get started?

Just Click “Contact Us” anywhere on our website and fill out the form. We will contact you as quickly as possible and help change the way you take care of your employees. 

Boost Your Business with Employer's Choice Solutions – Your PEO Experts!


PEO Services

For Solutions That Make Sense

Workman's Compensation

Hard to Place Risks – Staffing Firms – General Contractors – USL&H

Small Company or New/Start Ups

Yes, we can place 1 employee or thousands-we have done that homework for you to already know who is the best fit!

Retirement Planning

Vendor comparison and selection

General assistance and help with your PEO and/or vendor of choice

Coordinating with third-party administrators (TPAs)

Employee education and enrollment support

Payroll Processing

All States

Time and Attedance Integration

Live Checks or Direct Deposit

Flexible Hour Reporting

Consistent point person familiar with your Company

Human Resources

Customized Handbooks

Policies and Proceedures 

Updated to Date Compliance Answers & Assistance

Group Health Benefits

Top Shelf Providers

Blue Cross/Blue Sheild
(All States)


We can help you be successful in preperation and establishing compliance programs for HIPAA/HITECH, PCI-DSS, SOX and general protection of PII as required.


What Do Our Clients Think?

For Solutions That Make Sense

You are such a joy to work with and I know the importance of that having someone on my side with discernment, intelligence, capacity for genuine caring, being capable, accountable; not to mention working hard and always protecting the customer or potential customer. This is so important and not often found in this industry or really any industry. You have a gift with providing your customers with tremendous security and we sure have figured out what happens when you have the opposite of this and simply put-it is tragic at best.

K. Nealer

Alpha Resources

I own an Accounting Practice-which has been closely affiliated with the PEO industry for the past 30 years. I have outsourced my PEO referrals to Employer’s Choice for the past 20 years and know my clients will be given the same attention that I deliver.

B. Wilson
Accounting Firm
Southwest FL

I have been with Employer’s Choice for the past 15 years and appreciate the consistent way my needs are handled. We once had an issue with a PEO and Joni allows me the comfort of staying “on top” of the PEO Industry as to whom is stable so that I do not have to.

Richard Shepard
Action Manufacturing
FL and NC

I am the Manager of a medium to large size manufacturing company in Southwest Florida and have used Employer’s Choice for the past 10 years for my PEO needs. Not only did I utilize their services initially, but had to be switched to a new PEO due to a change up in my business needs that my old PEO could not handle. I appreciate the pro-active reason of the switch and find a great value in knowing I have another layer of someone having my back in today’s changing market place of carriers and PEO providers.

Oldsmar, FL

I own a residential & commercial glass shop in Ft. Lauderdale, FL and have utilized Employer’s Choice since 2017. If I have a question about any pricing or servicing issues, I know I can always reach someone in their office even if it’s after the hours of my employee leasing company in order to help me with a question.

G. Sheets
Glass Shop Owner
Ft. Lauderdale, FL

I have worked with Employer’s Choice for 15 years as one of their PEO providers and know there is no representation of what we provide. She does a thorough job of vetting our services for her prospects.

D. Rhodes
PEO Sales Manger
Boynton Beach, FL


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Get your Free Consulting

or Employee Leasing Quotes

Employer's Choice Solutions offers Professional Employer Organization services to help meet your unique needs.
